Matt Kelland, co-founder of Moviestorm
Matt Kelland is co-founder of the company, Moviestorm Limited, which he co-founded with his Cambridge colleague, Dave Lloyd, in 2003.
As described on the company homepage, “Moviestorm is a software application that lets anyone make 3d animated movies on their computer,” ( Moviestorm offers, an “explorative game-style interface and a massive library of characters, props and animations.” No animation skills are required, it is possible to import or export with flexibility and all elements are fully customizable. Moviestorm also has a developed online support community. (
Moviestorm was the result of a fruitful collaboration between the two old-school mates turned entrepreneurs on a film entitled, No License, which they made through a process called, machinima. Inspired by the success of this film, including one million viewers and critical acclaim, they endeavored to create an application that allowed for the machinima process, but in a streamlined manner specifically targeted for filmmakers. They created an application and called Moviestorm. As the company website states, “Since release in 2008, Moviestorm has been used by over one hundred thousand people, who have posted tens of thousands of movies online, and become part of an active and supportive community of film makers,” (
Additionally, the company is now targeting the educational market, but not limited to those who teach filmmaking, rather, anyone who is interested in using Moviestorm Ltd. as a platform for engaging students and to enhance collaborative learning.
Matt Kelland, “always maintains that he likes the challenge of doing something that’s never been done before, and his passion is using technology to let ordinary people do something fun without knowing how it works,” (Kelland, 2007). His background is quite varied, and he started by completing a degree in Archaeology and Anthropology at St John’s College, Cambridge. His first job was Deputy Editor at African Preview magazine, followed by designing healthcare systems for Perihelion Software in 1989. He was one of the founding members of UK Online in 1993, for which he became the Editor in Chief. “He created what was, at the time, the largest and most active Web site in the world,” (Kelland, 2007). Subsequently, Matt co-founded nGame Limited. “The company produced experimental games for interactive television and other emerging platforms, and by 2000, it was established as the world’s leading producer of mobile phone games,” (Kelland, 2007). Following this, Matt co-created the film, No-License, and Moviestorm followed. In 2009, Matt moved to Florida and created the company Draco Felis, from where he continues to promote Moviestorm Limited and act as the creative director.
The following quote of Matt, proves why he is a true entrepreneur.
“Matt’s greatest strength is in the early part of a company: seeing an idea, working out how bring that to reality, selling that vision, assembling the team to make that happen, and then building a stable company that can be run by other people,” (Kelland, 2007).
I am inspired by Matt Kelland’s ability to see an idea through to fruition and move on to the next project. I am personally interested in Moviestorm and believe it is an ingenious venture for its intended audiences/customers. I hope to become involved with this venture, in some form or capacity, even if it is simply to recommend the company to others through consulting. In summary, I hope to learn from visionaries such as Matt Kelland and incorporate these lessons into my own career/business plan.
Moviestorm Website:
Kelland, M. (2007). Retrieved from
Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
sophiabb 5:53 pm on September 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Eva,
Matt Kelland sounds like a true innovator/creator. He seems to really enjoy ‘creating’ a venture more than managing its continuation. Your admiration for Matt Kelland as an innovator came through clearly; as well as your passion for the platform Moviestorm. Your post has really helped me to better understand Moviestorm.